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​Growing up I could never find the right words to express myself, my mind would think of the words, but my tongue would always get twisted. So at a very young age, I started writing diaries for my own amusement and as the years progressed it turned into poems and entertaining stories for my younger cousins and having this insecurity of public speaking, it made having friend extremely hard as most of the times I would be accused of being mean as my tongue and mind never seemed to work together. So not having many friends it was most probably the reason for my vivid imagination.  But no matter where I was I could always entertain myself and express myself through writing as it is my one safe place.

You can say that this is why I started The Six Symbols of Ink, it was not only to escape the world but also to show in symbolism the ugliness of our world and no matter how ugly it might get we must never forget that good will always overcome evil, it's a universal law.

Lake Landscape
The Author: Bio


Placing an idea on paper can get confusing there are certain ideas and goals put in place with the hope that they are achieved in the end.

The Author: Services


When I started The Six Symbols of Ink in 2012, it was easy to get confused with this whole new world I had to put on paper. 


There was so much I felt I needed to place within the story to make the world clearer for the reader, but unfortunately isn't that the path the story took me.

So finalizing the book I made the decision that the Freedom Mark is written to be an introduction to the world and the plot-holes and confusions of the novel will be made clear with the progression of the series because like life you never see the bigger picture until the end.

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To be honest, I am very excited to see where the second novel will take us with the twists and turns that have been planned out may not be revealed in this novel but there are glimpses of the twists. 

What makes this novel more thrilling to write is that now I can expand on all the characters, bringing in the conflict between them and themselves as you the reader by now know them by their names, but in this novel, you will get to know them by their actions. 

There are new chapters on the queen and how her life is within the castle, there isn't much about the King as he is still a mystery to me.

But I hope The True believer will answer the questions people might have and that the story will be more enticing than the first.

Typewriter Keys

"Believing in yourself is the hardest thing to do, but if you don't then no one will."

Meliza Merlinde

The Author: Quote
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