The Six Symbols of Ink novels have symbolism within the story. At first they seem crude and unnecessary, but looking into them and their intended meanings it is made clearer of how the world we know is brought in to this world called Almeiz.
Reading the Name of the book it makes one think that it is a religious book or another doomsday book. But the naming of the Series has nothing to do with satanism, and this was not done by accident but with meaning.
The four prophesied symbols in the serious are seen as the good symbols that must overcome the two evil symbols. The four symbols wouldn’t have existed without the two evil symbols therefor the four good symbols and the two evil symbols are counted together making them dependent of each other and so The Six Symbols of Ink was formed.
To call the series The Six Symbols of Ink was a risk to take, but to take in consideration of not only the main symbols of the series, but also the meaning of the number six, which is a symbol of imperfection or flawed in God’s eyes is another way to emphasize the imperfection of the world called Almeiz.
​At first, the idea of cannibalism within the story was rejected, but as the first draft story continued it was made clear that to show the extent of greed the King and Queen with the rest of the cannibals have they needed to be shown as cannibals.
The reason for highlighting this greed is because in the world we live in we will kill each other for money not caring if the money we killed for will last a week or a day. We value money more than the lives of others. For this reason, greed is the true corporate when it comes to crime. By bringing cannibalism into the series it shows that men would rather kill other men for the meat on their bones not caring about the lives they destroy in doing so.
The cannibalism is also one of the after effects due to the extinction of most of the animals. The only animals that still survive are the animals that can breed at the same pace that they are being consumed, such as rabbits and rats. This is another reason for bringing cannibalism into the story.
The greed and pride are not only shown by cannibalism but by the division of two groups those who would rather consume the flesh of pests such as rabbits and rats and those who find themselves too worthy to eat the pests of the earth and would rather kill their own kind to distinguish their class.
A concept that we all fear and find it more repulsing than cannibalism, but bringing in modern scientific breakthroughs in biology into the story is another way of showing how even though these breakthroughs are great still doesn't give us permanent solutions for infertile men and women. They and do insemination, but they can’t discover the cause or reason for why so many women especially millennial women are infertile, leaving us to wonder what will become of the human race in the future and will factory born children become our only way of survival.
The factory born children are brought into the series to be another symbol of population control and showing how scientific breakthroughs not taken seriously can be the cause that children are bred to what the world wants them to be, taking God out of the equation.
In Christianity, the last book of the Bible in the new testament called Revelations talks about the mark of the beast, over the thousands of years this mark has changed into all forms but they all have one thing in common the mark will be on the right hand or forehead.Â
Bring the Ink Mark that is placed on the right-hand doesn't symbolize the end of the world or Revelations but is symbolic to represent the vileness of the world.Â
The Ink Mark is also symbolic, because in the first novel -The Freedom Mark- everyone is enslaved by the ink mark, they have lost all concept of free will, because they have given power to the Ink Mark, but as soon as one person stands up showing them that the Ink Mark has no power over them and is only a tattoo. Makes them free from the mark of the beast. To bring this to our world we are so consumed with earthly possessions and what others will think of it, that we have given up all freedom and power to our earthly possessions so we are already enslaved.